This Opportunity will define our Generation!
Insights from the Digital Economy & Potential of Internet • Pillars of an Online Business • Escape the Matrix. (#001)
I came across this Instagram Reel,
About how Mr.Beast was offered $1 Billion for his enterprise.
The logical question is —— Why?
Why would someone pay that amount of money for pixels on screen.
My inquiry into the matter led to this Newsletter today, you don’t want to miss this ;)
The Digital Economy — Opportunity of a Lifetime!
Here’s what we’ll be discussing today:
The impact of Internet
Why did the economy go digital?
How you can start an online brand & achieve true freedom?
Read Time : 5 minutes :)
The Impact of Internet
All of us take it for granted — Wifi, Mobiles, Social Media (This sh*t is crazy). You do realise that the Internet has determined your course of life than any other technology?
Education • Content • Healthcare • News • Sports • Communication — I could go on and on.
And now, with the availability of Mobiles & AI tools right at your fingertips, I can only begin to imagine the scale of impact Internet will have.
Enough Tech Blabber, here’s why this matter to you!
Why did the economy go digital?
It was all good as long as the Internet was a high-end tech — but then, it became available to more people. More people joined the online, global community of humans.
The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.
~Bill Gates
Now here’s something about humans — they love exchanging stuff. they love buying and selling and lending and all other possibilities of commerce.
Now People + Communication = Economy
The more people got onto the Internet, the more exchange of information, data & money took place. It had like an Economy of its own, but the reach of the world. This is what we call today — The Digital Economy.
Stock Exchanges, Ebay, Amazon, Facebook, Stripe, VISA & all the countless such platforms connect you with this global village.
Might sound all logical, but the fact we pulled this off, is no less than a miracle!
Enough with my cheesy wisdom, let’s understand how you can thrive in this modern economy.
Attention Hoo-mans!
Oil was the basis of global trade throughout the 20th century — we fought wars because of the global race to control the oil supply.
But now we have renewable energy and oil — didn’t make any sense.
Then, as we enter the 21st Century — a new global commodity comes up: Data
More specifically, the importance of Data transitioned to the Attention Economy!
Attention Economy
If you can control social sentiments, you can control the world. This is why an Instagram Influencer can influence your choice of stock, kitchenware & even spouse!
Content Creators took over the space — YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Now this very power can allow you to build an online leverage & escape the matrix!
3 Pillars of Digital Economy
Content: Whatever you write, read, listen & watch.
Distribution: How the content reaches you.
Leverage: The impact this content has.
Here’s how you can conquer all 3 to build a successful online business!
Just start sharing. Humans are social animals — we love the sense of connection. The only way you can connect with others is via Social Media!
Pick your niche — anything you’re remotely interested in.
If you’re smart — share insights.
If you’re not — share learnings.Don’t stop!
You can write stuff — speak stuff — record stuff & all of it will find its place in the mosaic of the internet.
Now that you have content — pick a platform:
Short-form writing? Twitter
Long-form writing? LinkedIn
Very Long-form writing? Newsletter
Audio? Spotify
Video? YouTube
Every platform has the audience in your niche & you can reach them with killer content!
This is the part where people often fail — attention not channeled, is wasted. If you can’t monetise your Content & Distribution, it makes no sense to do this!
Here’s how you can build leverage:
Build an Offer: Something to sell, Someone to sell, Somewhere to sell.
Build an ICP: Ideal Customer Profile, to help you understand who to approach.
Sell: Inbound & Outbound leads — Sales Funnels — Ads — You can get creative.
Somethings you can try:
Start Freelancing.
Build a Personal Brand.
Sell a product or service.
This will take time. Success isn’t guaranteed. You might lose it all. But if you do win, it’s the best thing for you to do. An online business is the only initiative that can offer you:
Time Freedom ✅
Location Freedom ✅
Financial Freedom ✅
Still think you can’t do it?
Give it a try. I started at 15. I moderated Discord Servers. I was a shiller on Twitter. I was a reply guy for 5 bucks a day.
Today — I run a successful personal brand & Web3 Ghostwriting Business.
It will always be about trying stuff & Figuring it Out!
P.S → The Digital Economy is two things: Media and Code. Today, we talked about media — will talk about Code in one of the coming weekly editions.
Thanks for reading — hope it was insightful.
Personal Corner
How you doing guys?
It feels great to have started this Newsletter series again!
Writing is the best form of Articulation — after code.
Not much to say — got done with my 11th grade final exams: To my surprise, I topped the class :)
Still going over college plans, but I’ll figure sh*t out.
See you next Friday at 6PM (IST) 👊
Great publish, Aaditya! My most favorite thing about writing online? You write an article once but the opportunities it can create can be endless. So as you write more articles, the opportunities it can create gets more and more insane! Of course, success isn't guaranteed, but the lessons to be learned are! ;)