Why ‘The First Iteration‘?

This phrase perfectly sums up everything you’ll need to grow & achieve in Life. It is all about taking the first step → Starting Your Journey.

I started my Journey at the age of 14 → Odd Jobs on Discord → 3 Failed Businesses → Found Twitter → Built a Brand → Successful Business.

You’ll learn everything I learnt from this ;)

Why subscribe?

Because I’ll be sharing the most relatable insights on Growth & Audience Building. Plus, you’ll have a ton of resources & guides coming your way!

Here’s what we generally talk about:

  • Audience Building + Personal Brand

  • Personal Growth + Productivity

  • Technology (Web3 + AI)

  • Networking + Business

Excited to have you as a part of ‘The First Iteration‘ Community! 💪

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Sharing weekly insights into Digital Economy • Audience Building • Technology.


Creator first, Entrepreneur Second. Sharing Tips on Audience Building, Growth & Tech.